Professional Catering Companies V. Restaurant Catering: Which is better for Your Event?

When you’re hosting a large event, you’re going to need to find a way to serve food at your event. Usually, you’ll have two choices when it comes to catering. Either through a restaurant or by hiring a professional catering company. Of course, there are benefits of ordering from both industries. However, they’re different enough… Read more »

7 Catering Tips for Hosting The Perfect Holiday Party

It’s officially the holiday season! Although holiday events and parties may look a little different this year, if you’re planning on hosting a safe event, it’s going to require some planning. If you’re planning a holiday party, make sure you’re doing so thoughtfully. Here are some of our best catering and planning tips for throwing… Read more »

Should You Hire a Catering Company for Your Event?

When you’re planning a larger event such as a conference or wedding, it’s not hard to decide that you need a team to help cater your event. However, if you are preparing for a smaller event like an anniversary party, family reunion, or corporate meeting, you may second guess whether you need a caterer. Having… Read more »